You’re still whole, even in transition.
Life guarantees surprises. Some of them are wrapped as beautiful opportunities that ignite your passion and joy. Others push you outside your comfort zone and leave you feeling broken - Unexpectedly losing your job which took up a huge part of your life. Having to sell or close the company into which you poured your resources and energy. Being transferred or separated from the team that you called your second family. Being passed over for a promotion. Hearing difficult feedback.
One lesson I learned, and one which I see played out in the lives of my clients, is this: You are still whole, even in the hardships that force you into transition. You are just as valuable as a moment before your world felt like it was falling apart. Your core has not changed - You have the same skills, strengths, experience, desires, and character that you had just moments before your world went into shock. It’s what’s outside you that has changed, and it’s calling you to look at your core from a different angle or perspective.
“It’s calling you to look at your core from a different angle or perspective.”
Learn about your new surroundings.
Who can help you gain insight to your situation that may be different than your own? Assess your new surroundings by gathering data and feedback from reliable sources. Reach out to friends, family members, and colleagues to identify the opportunities to use what’s already within you. Regularly focus on expanding your networking to gain a balanced perspective.
Translate your core.
With your new perspective, you now have everything you need to identify actions to exercise your core in your new situation. Practice, Practice, Practice those actions until you gain proficiency in your new surroundings. Identify how you will track your progress and hold yourself accountable.
Write your new story.
While you may have started your transition with a story that felt broken and defeated, you are now gaining momentum and comfort in your new situation. Your story is about triumph! How would you describe yourself now? What would you tell others about your core that is completely independent of your circumstances? Write it down, and practice talking positively about yourself out loud.
Continue to strengthen your core.
What have you learned about yourself during this time of transition? Appreciate your own amazing gifts and talents. How can you continue to strengthen your core identity and have confidence in your own positive future? Set meaningful goals for yourself and for your team.
Flow Momentum Coaching and Consulting, LLC can help you turn these not-so-fun transitions into positive flow and achievement. Connect with your coach today.