What if you had data at your fingertips to help you solve your greatest challenges and advance your career?
Image provided by TTI Success Insights.
When you choose me as your coach, you gain access to the most advanced set of assessments in the market as well as a certified professional to ensure your results are meaningful and bring value to you.
Ranked in the top 20 assessments and evaluations according to Training Industry for the last 3 years
backed by research for 30 years
unmatched reliability across 58 countries world-wide
Unlike other assessment providers that leave you on your own to interpret your report, I coach you through your results to ensure you fully understand how you can immediately start applying them to your specific circumstances. You will walk away with a plan for incorporating your assessment into your strategy for achieving your desired career and leadership outcomes. My clients also find themselves revisiting their assessment results throughout their journeys as new challenges and situations arise.
What can my assessments do for individuals?
A clearer understanding of your “Why”
Confidence in articulating your value
Improved trust and relationships at work and in your personal life
Increased self and social awareness, opening up leadership doors
Strategic pathways for personal growth and focused career objectives
What can my assessments do for teams and organizations?
Better communication
Higher trust and synergy levels across team members
Increased employee retention
Hiring accuracy
Improved workplace engagement
Increased sales and training effectiveness
Improved management effectiveness
Effective development of employees and high potential team members
What data can transform my career and team?
Also know as DISC, understanding how you and others approach problems, people, the pace at which things get done, and procedures equips you for better communication and relationships both inside and outside of the workplace. Reduce conflict, and recognize how you can use your strengths and the strengths of your team to improve performance.
Do you know what motivates you? Do you sometimes scratch your head when it comes to conflict that arises on your team or in your own personal relationships? Discover your “Why” to create alignment with your core values and the culture of your team. When you match the rewards of the organization and its roles to how you and your team members are motivated, you can fulfilled in your career and increase retention across your team. You can also reduce conflict and become more productive in your career as well as your personal life by spotting and understanding the differences in how individuals are driven.
Do you desire to step into a leadership role, or would you like to become a better leader? Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the most important set of skills you can have in your toolbox. A high level of emotional intelligence enables you to recognize and regulate your emotions as well as navigate the social cues around you to effectively impact others. Get a baseline of your EQ, identify specific skills within emotional intelligence you can work on to be more effective, and receive practical strategies you can readily apply today to increase your EQ.
Do you desire to get more from your team? What if you could have an “operator’s manual” for increasing your team’s productivity? Gain key insights into how your team approaches decisions as well as what drives its performance.
Do you excel in technical skills while finding yourself lost when it comes to certain soft skills? Are you curious how you stack up on many of the soft skills related to leadership or directly to your role? Measure your skills, target competencies specific to your success, and receive practical tips for exploring those competencies. Unlock the mystery on how to develop high potential team members to accelerate their growth and promotion. Discover the development needs of your new hires in critical positions.
Would you like to have a better understanding of how you and your leaders make judgements and decisions? Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wonder if I (or someone on your team) could handle that position…”? An assessment can provide you with access to individuals’ perceptions of themselves and how they view the world around them as well as what blind spots and biases they may carry into various situations.
Are you or your team members experiencing high stress that’s chipping away at your productivity? Does your organization have high turnover within certain teams or positions? Has a change initiative faced significant challenges? Measure stress across seven dimensions of the workplace, so you can pinpoint the best strategy for resolving issues and boosting progress.
Gathering feedback and developing a culture of the right talent doe not have to be an overly complex process. I provide 360 degree feedback and other organizational surveys to help your team get input that matters, so you can navigate cultural change, succession planning, leadership development, and much more.
Chat briefly with me to identify the right set of assessments for your organization’s success.
Are there growth opportunities within your sales team? Eliminate blind spots and lost sales opportunities by having your team take a quick assessment. Grow your sales team from within by having a tool you can use to coach and develop your employees. Reinforce proven sales approaches that will drive the results you need. Focus your investments on developing areas of improvement with practical tips from the assessment report. Equip your sales managers with insights to better lead their sales teams.